Beaufort, South Carolina Tourism Campaigns
Part 1: Brand Audit
The first step was to address some problematic elements of their brand and make some slight adjustments so that their visual identity was as effective as possible. I made a simple guide that showed the recommendations and the reasoning why certain elements should be changed.
Part 2: Campaign Concepts
After the brand was solidified it was time to create campaign marketing concepts. I created a campaign with different ad executions that focused on the relaxing atmosphere that Beaufort provides. I reinforced that feeling through memorable messaging and beautiful photography.
Phase 3: Ad Versioning & Ad Style Guide
With the concept approved, I versioned out the campaign for all media that was appropriate. A specifically unique approach was to create a video ad that was essentially a breathing exercise in the form of an ad. At the end of the ad, the audience would associate that calming feeling with the destination. I also created a campaign style guide for anyone who would touch the campaign to know how to create ads for the DMO in the future.